Oksana Tsymbrivska
Project Manager in Ukraine
Clement Jut
Project Manager
Sofia Vydra
Chief National Expert, Justice Sector Policy and Coordination Component

Oleksandra Dermanska
Chief National Expert, Justice Sector Policy and Coordination Component
Valentina Solovyova
Project Specialist, Justice Sector Policy and Coordination Component
Anna Adamska-Gallant
International Chief Expert, Head of the Judicial Reform Component
Olga Sribniak
Chief National Expert, Judiciary component
Volodymyr Chaban
Chief National Expert, Judiciary component
Sergiy Horovenko
Project Specialist, Judiciary component
Iryna Zharonkina
Senior National Expert, Head of the Property Rights Protection and Enforcement Component
Oleg Mykhalyuk
Chief National Expert, Property Rights Protection and Enforcement Component
Daria Chupryna
Project Specialist, Property Rights Protection and Enforcement Component
Valeriy Bakal
Head of Institutional Development and Coordination, Senior National Expert, eJustice Component
Marina Lyubich
Project Specialist, eJustice component
Artem Danchenko
Head of IT Solutions, Senior National Expert, e-Justice Component
Olga Kovalchuk
Administrative Manager
Yulia Chepeleva
Financial Manager
Oksana Krasitskaya
Financial assistant
Anastasia Krasnoshcheka
Procurement Manager
Simone Tevolde
Senior translator
Natalia Fokina
Ivan Gisem
Communications specialist
Anna Ostapko
Communications specialist
Pierre Tenon
Project Assistant