The scientific workshop “Freedom of Expression of Judges and Judicial Associations”, organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana, brought together many experts from different countries, including judges, lawyers and academic researchers. One of the participants, Judge Olena Fonova, a member of the NGO CEC “Pro Justice,” shared interesting conclusions and approaches to the freedom of expression of judges following the event. Freedom of expression of judges is a hot topic that concerns not only Ukraine but also many other countries. The workshop participants discussed various aspects of this issue, including:
What laws and international standards regulate the freedom of expression of judges?
How do judges use their right to express opinions? What are the limitations?
Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): How does the ECtHR resolve disputes between judges’ freedom of expression and other rights? This issue is indeed similar to the Ukrainian one, and the exchange of experience and knowledge between specialists from different countries can contribute to the development of the judicial system and strengthening the rule of law.